myQ Guest Passes
Some myQ guest passes are being set up incorrectly which has/could cause problems for your guests at the gate.
When setting up a short-term one-use pass use Delivery Pass.
When setting up a long-term multi-day pass use Temporary Pass.
When setting up a specific schedule of days or times use Recurring Pass.
Some Owners have setup a Recurring Pass when it is possible that you were trying to setup a Temporary Pass. A Recurring Pass has the days of the week at the top and by default selects only the day you are on when you setup the pass. If you didn’t manually select on all the days of the week at setup then the pass will only work on the one day of the week, each week that it was set up on.
If this is your case, please delete the Recurring Pass and make a new Temporary Pass or if you want to create a Recurring Pass select all the days that you want access to be provided not just the default single day.