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Decorating Committee

Decorate WB for the holidays

Steve Kozak “Chairperson”, Susan Fezza “Secretary”, Steve Sylvester, Elana Price, Anthony D’Eramo, Debi Pirelli and Vincent Fezza, Board Liaison

PURPOSE: To make recommendations to the BOD on how to decorate the Main Entrance, Constuction Entrance, on major holidays. The decorating committee will be doing the actual decorating. Unless extra help is required and approved by the BOD, in advance.

HOLIDAYS: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, End of The Year Holiday Celebrations

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE: The committee shall consist of up to seven (7) members and one (1) non-voting liaison from the Board. The committee shall select a Chairperson, which can change annually to facilitate meetings and communicate with the board liaison.

TERMS OF OFFICE: Member terms shall be staggered. New members shall serve a two-year term. Existing members can reapply for subsequent terms. Existing members are not guaranteed additional terms and will be considered with all applicants volunteering. The Board will appoint all members of the committee. Appointments will occur at the first quarterly Board of Directors meeting set in January.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Research, obtain pricing and quotes and make recommendations to the BOD only on items to be purchased for decorating the community on holidays listed above. Facilitate and coordinate the work only approved by the BOD.

REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: Report directly to the Board of Directors through their liaison. Management company support as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

AUTHORITY: Annual Budget once approved by the Board.

LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Must comply with all community Association governing documents and county ordinances.